Secure Vault for Customer Personal Records in Under 10 Minutes

Databunker is an open-source vault for secure storage of PII, PHI, KYC, and PCI records. Protect user records from SQL and GraphQL injections with a simple API. Streamline GDPR, HIPAA, ISO 27001, and SOC2 compliance.

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docker run -p 3000:3000 -d securitybunker/databunker demo
# save user records
curl -s http://localhost:3000/v1/user -X POST -H "X-Bunker-Token: DEMO" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"first":"John","last":"Doe","login":"john","email":""}'
# user lookup by login, email, phone, or token
curl -s -H "X-Bunker-Token: DEMO" -X GET http://localhost:3000/v1/user/login/john

How to implement Consent Management Platform usign open-source Databunker

Databunker’s built-in Consent Management Platform empowers organizations to enhance user privacy, meet regulatory requirements, and establish trust by enabling users to manage their consent effectively and providing essential tools for consent administration.

Databunker offers a comprehensive built-in Consent Management Platform. Databunker provides the following tools:

  1. User Privacy Portal: Accessible through the platform, it allows users to view a list of granted consents, providing transparency and control over their consent choices.
  2. DPO Management Portal: This portal is designed for Data Protection Officers (DPOs) to administer consent settings, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations and managing consent-related processes.
  3. API Integration: Databunker provides an API that enables seamless integration with your backend system. With the API, you can easily fetch and update consent settings for users, facilitating streamlined consent management.

consent management

Introducing a Free Takeaway 🚀

Databunker is a free, open-source project available under the commercially friendly MIT license.

- Check out the getting started guide

- Review the installation guide

- View the source code

🚀 Databunker:

Secure Vault for User PII Data

(Open source / MIT license)

- Check out the getting started guide

- View the source code

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