Get early access to Databunker PRO

Databunker PRO is a self-hosted, GDPR compliant secure vault and SDK for customer records. The product addresses several challenges, including privacy by design, data minimization, user audit, Schrems II compliance, privacy-compliant logging, data subject request automation, and more.

Databunker PRO is the professional version of Databunker, an open-source security vault created by our development team (

We are currently seeking 10 pilot customers to try the latest Databunker PRO release.

As a pilot customer, you will have direct access to the developers.

Our team will optimize Databunker to meet your specific needs and use cases.

Download the one pager.


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Introducing a Free Takeaway 🚀

Databunker is a free, open-source project available under the commercially friendly MIT license.

- Check out the getting started guide

- Review the installation guide

- View the source code

🚀 Databunker:

Secure Vault for User PII Data

(Open source / MIT license)

- Check out the getting started guide

- View the source code

🤝 Get 1-to-1 advice and guidance from an expert

Do you have any specific data protection, privacy or security challenges you'd like an expert to help with?

Book a call now for in-depth discussion.

Premium Support for Databunker