Multi-tenancy in Databunker Pro

Databunker Pro supports multi-tenancy, allowing you to manage multiple tenants within a single instance. This document outlines the API endpoints for creating, managing, and interacting with tenants.

Create Tenant

Creates a new tenant in the Databunker Pro system.

curl -H 'X-Bunker-Token: ROOT-ACCESS-TOKEN' -X POST /v1/tenant \
     --data '{"org":"testorg","name":"testname"}'

Request Body

Field Type Description
name string The name of the tenant. Must match the format: [a-z0-9]+
org string The organization slug associated with the tenant


Field Type Description
status string Operation status (“ok” if successful)
xtoken string Tenant access token in UUID format

Example Response

  "status": "ok",


  • The TENANT-ACCESS-TOKEN is a special token to authenticate all tenant related commands. For example create user records.

Create a Tenant User Account

You have two methods to specify the tenant name: you can either use the X-Bunker-Tenant HTTP header or include the tenant name in the hostname. If the X-Bunker-Tenant header is missing, Databunker Pro will attempt to retrieve the tenant name from the subdomain in the hostname. If neither option is available, a default tenant is used.

Example commands:

curl -H 'X-Bunker-Token: XXXXXXX' \
     -H 'X-Bunker-Tenant: TENANT-NAME' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -X POST 'http://localhost:3000/v1/user' \
     --data '{"firstname":"John","lastname":"Doe","email":"","login":"john"}'
curl -H 'X-Bunker-Token: XXXXXXX' \
     -X POST \
     --data '{"firstname":"John","lastname":"Doe","email":"","login":"john"}'


  • Replace TENANT-NAME in the URL with the actual name of the tenant.
  • The request body and response format for this endpoint are not provided in the given information. Typically, they would include user details such as name, email, etc., and return a user ID or status.

Rename Tenant

Renames an existing tenant.

curl -H 'X-Bunker-Token: TENANT-ACCESS-TOKEN' \
     -X PUT \
     --data '{"name":"new-name"}'

Request Body

Field Type Description
name string The new name for the tenant. Must match the format: [a-z0-9]+

Example Request

  "name": "new-name"


Field Type Description
status string Operation status (“ok” if successful)

Example Response

  "status": "ok"

Other commands:

For a full list of API requests, check out the API document.

General Notes

  1. Tenant Name Format: Tenant names must follow the format [a-z0-9]+. This means they can only contain lowercase letters and numbers.

  2. Tenant-Specific URLs: After creating a tenant, you’ll interact with tenant-specific endpoints using URLs in the format

  3. Authentication: Most endpoints will require the TENANT-ACCESS-TOKEN for authentication. Include this token in the X-Bunker-Token header or as specified in the Databunker Pro documentation.

  4. SSL/TLS: Always use HTTPS for secure communication with the API endpoints.

For more detailed information on request/response formats, additional endpoints, or error handling, please refer to the complete Databunker Pro API documentation.

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